Let's talk TERPS

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are Naturally occurring compounds that make up the aromas and flavors of many plants, including cannabis.  Kind of like the “essential oils” of plants.

Many plants share the same terpenes which is why some cannabis strains have familiar aromas and smells, like citrus (Limonene) and pine (Pinene).

Why should I shop based on Terpenes?

Newer research is showing that terpenes may have their own effects and contribute to the entourage effect (the idea that all of the components of the cannabis plant combined play a role on how it affects you, not just the THC content).  Terpenes present the potential for more targeted effects than traditional Indica/Sativa classifications.

A lot of states that have had legal cannabis for awhile have already shifted the focus away from Indica/Sativa and THC percentages and are offering up terpene profiles as a way to shop for new strains.

Their is more to cannabis than just THC percentages! This is why we created this “Terpenes 101” chart with color coded icons for each type of Terpene commonly found in cannabis strains. Using this chart, you can shop our in-store menus based solely on the known effects of the Terpenes for a more tailored experience!

Not quite convinced that Terpenes are the way to shop for Cannabis?

Think of cannabis like a craft beer… When you go into your favorite brewery or craft beer shop (we see you, Bow Street!), you probably don’t shop based on the highest ABV… You shop based on your flavor preferences, hops used and other classifications that you already know you like and are familiar with. Well, we think of cannabis and terpenes in the same way. You can shop based on the flavors, aromas, and effects that you’re looking for.

And fun fact… Terpenes are actually also found in hops and a lot of beers are brewed using specific plants/terpenes to achieve certain flavor profiles! Other familiar plants that contain some of the same terpenes as your favorite cannabis strains include: Tea, Thyme, Lavender, Spanish Sage, and Citrus Fruits like Lemon and Orange.

Information gathered/presented by SeaWeed Co. Budtender Educator and Portland Assistant Manager, Jayson.

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