Functional High

being Functionally High:

What does it mean? And how can it help you?

“Functional high” is a phrase we often throw around at SeaWeed Co.  On its surface, it is a paradox because being “functional” is associated with work and efficiency while being high is associated with checking out, having fun, and not giving an F.  However, many of us intuitively understand that if we use the right cannabis strain at the right time in the right dose we can achieve a balance of both good vibes and good judgment.  We wanted to dive into this idea of achieving a happy high while also safely going about your day and getting stuff done.

Recently, all kinds of studies have been done on the use of cannabis in settings other than being locked on the couch with a bag of Doritos and a muted Ken Burns nature documentary with Pink Floyd playing in the background.  Parents are starting to see how a little cannabis might chill them out to deal with their children.  Students understand that cannabis could help to avert the anxiety they have over an upcoming test rather than being a means to levitate out of their body after a 4ft bong hit. Athletes and elderly folks are realizing that there are great benefits to using THC in low doses combined with CBD for pain relief.  Finally, there are those who like some of the sedative effects that certain strains can have, especially when combined with other cannabinoids like CBN.  You might say, “Well, if it puts you to sleep, how is that ‘functional?’”  That’s the point, your goal was to sleep, and cannabis helped you get there.

This idea that cannabis can be used in a functional way does come with some guidelines, as we don’t want to suggest that it is safe to use in every situation.  So, let’s talk about some resources for further learning as well as some suggestions for products that could help you achieve your “functional high.”  


As far back as 2012, there was an op-ed in the NY Times entitled “Pot for Parents” that coined the term “Parental Attention Surplus Syndrome.”  This piece reflects precisely how I feel about cannabis and parenting.  When a parent gets home after a long day or perhaps is in the middle of a long day with their child, it can be essential to be able to reset and recharge your patience battery so you have the bandwidth to actually pay attention to your child.  I find that a low-dose sativa strain edible, like SeaWeed Co. Sky Lotus Pate de Fruit or East Light Cannabis Any Time Gummy is the best way to get into the parenting zone.  Edibles are easy to dose, and I feel that splitting a 10mg in half is the perfect amount for an after-work reset.  Your body will feel relaxed, and you are ready to push your child 1,000 times on the swing and engage in otherwise mundane tasks without dissociating, being more in the moment. You can tune out excessive noise better and overall approach your child with your full self, relieved of the other stresses of the day.  Most importantly, I find that your curiosity gets elevated so you are more likely to learn more about your child’s emotional state and connect with them better, whether on the playground or putting them to bed.  


CBD (one of the minor cannabinoids derived from cannabis) is often associated with pain relief.  In a recent Forbes article updated in 2023 entitled, “CBD For Pain Relief: How to Use CBD To Manage Pain,” there is some excellent information about the reduction of neuropathic as well as chronic physical pain.  At SeaWeed Co., we purposefully extract strains like Willy’s Medicine and Blueberry Wine with naturally occurring levels of both THC and CBD in live resin carts and edibles like chocolate and pate de fruit so that you have many ways to consume your CBD.  Another reason CBD can help with a functional high is that it is known to engage the endocannabinoid system, sometimes reducing the psychoactive effects of the THC and getting you into a clearer mental zone.


People’s interactions with cannabis differ, and sometimes certain high THC strains can cause people to be more anxious, but typically in lower doses, it creates a relaxing effect.  There is a reason people stock up on cannabis products before dealing with holiday family drama. It might be a cliché that someone who is high becomes overly chatty and less inhibited, but for me, there is truth to the fact that walking into a crowded room under the effect of a little THC breaks the ice.  Similar to the earlier parenting example, your curiosity is elevated and your worries about embarrassing yourself or external factors you cannot control are reduced.  For this often a low dose joint or preroll will do the trick.  We have a strain called Elvis that has a moderate THC level and is high in terpenes, so it is flavorful and like the King himself could have you moving with more confidence.


Many of us have trouble shutting down and going to sleep at night in today’s high-paced environment.  One of the most well-known effects of cannabis is how it can sometimes cause you to go to sleep.  If you understand the strain you are using and the method of consumption, you can leverage this to your advantage.  If you are high functioning with many demands throughout your day and need to be super productive right up until the moment you need to sleep, then a strain like Gorilla Glue or Watermelon Gelato in a live resin cartridge can help bring you down quickly.  Sometimes in combination with CBN, people feel this effect to be even stronger, like in the East Light Cannabis Sleepy Time Gummy with THC and CBN.  With a little bit of experimentation, you can find a way to get to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed.

So, as you can see, cannabis is turning into more than just an activity to take part in. Now, more people are realizing that cannabis can be used to enhance our days and provide relief when necessary. Let’s get rid of the stigma of people thinking those who smoke and use cannabis are couch potatoes. Instead, let’s march forward to prove that stigma wrong with the goal of using cannabis in a way that goes hand in hand with intentional wellness. 

Do you use cannabis in any of the ways mentioned above?  Tell us! We love hearing about our customers’ experiences and help enhance them even more.

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